In the heart of South Jersey, nestled between the historic streets of Collingswood, the mischievous spirit of the Masked Bandit—our beloved raccoon—comes alive each fall. Much like the raccoon sneaks into backyards to snatch treats, our Snap Bandit, Ginger Snap Beer captures the spiced goodness of autumn, blending tradition and playfulness in every sip.
Inspired by the iconic Ivins' Famous Spice Wafers, once baked just down the way in Camden, Snap Bandit pays homage to the region’s favorite fall flavors. The beer combines ginger, cinnamon, and a touch of cloves, perfectly balancing sweet and spice, reminiscent of the cookies that have been a local favorite for over a century. With every pour, Snap Bandit invites you to embrace the playful side of autumn, where tricks and treats collide in perfect harmony.
Food Pairings
Much like the spice cookies it honors, Snap Bandit is a versatile companion to a range of seasonal dishes. Its warming spices enhance the sweetness of roasted fall vegetables, while its crisp finish balances rich, hearty meals. Whether you’re cozying up to a holiday feast or enjoying a casual fall snack, Snap Bandit brings the spirit of the season to your plate.
Suggested Foods:
Roasted Butternut Squash, Spiced Ham, or Pumpkin Soup
Cheese: Aged Gouda or Brie
Dessert: Gingerbread Cake or Pumkin Pie
Glassware & Serving Temperature
Tulip—The tulip glass is ideal for capturing the spicy aroma of Snap Bandit, Ginger Snap Beer, enhancing the beer’s complexity with each sip.
Best served at 45-55°F.